Allende, Isabel

The Stories of Eva Luna.


DKK 45,00

Commanded by her lover to tell him a story he has never heard before, Eva Luna spins a skein tha weaves in and out of the colour and passion of the harsh, sun-impacted landscapes of South America. Her stories encompass guerillas and fortune-tellers, tyrants and beauties, whores and peasants. Her themes rangle with politics and poverty, passion, pain and tragedy. And throughout, the simple longing of the human heart for happiness is tempered by hope.

- Translated from the Spanish by Margaret Syers Peden.

Penguin Books 1991.

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Every time I think of you, that is how I see you, how I see us, frozen for all time on that canvas, immune to the fading of memory. I spend immeasurable moments imagining myself in the scene, until I feel I am entering the space of the photograph and am no longer the man who observes but the man lying beside the woman.- Uindbundet. – 225 sider.