The Legend of af Teddy Bear. Postkort
DKK 50,00
Varenr. : P – 1.53 Varemærke. – Ubrugt postkort med billede af teddybjørne. Kortet stammer fra West Virginia, hvor den sorte bjørn er udbredt. – Pænt eksemplar. – 50 kr.
Teksten på kortets forside fortæller om oprindelsen til betegnelsen “teddybjørn”: “The teddy bear became popular just after the turn of the century, during Theodore (=Teddy) Roosevelt’s administration. Early one morning, a young girl left the farmhouse to fetch water from the well and noticed bear tracks in her yard. Flowwing the tracks to af nearby orchard, she discovered a cute black bear cub The mother bear was not there, so the girl took the cub home and kept inside the house as a pet. One day a neighbour persuaded the girl to sell him the bear, and knowing how much President Roosevelt loved “big game”, the neighbour sent the little bear to him as a gift. Soon after, manufacture of cuddly toy bears began and an American tradition was born; The Teddy Bear.”
Ron & Linda Card, USA Uden år.
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